The Governor approved vision, goals and objectives of the Strategic Plan, laid the foundation for four (4) committees within the KWIB.
Goal 1: Employer Engagement – Actively engage employers to drive Kentucky's workforce development system.
Goal 2: Education Attainment – Align and integrate P-12, adult education and postsecondary education to provide lifelong opportunities for Kentuckians that prepare them for the rapidly shifting work opportunities.
Goal 3: Workforce Participation – Increase Kentucky's workforce participation by creating opportunities, incenting workforce participation and removing employment barriers for Kentuckians.
Goal 4: Organization and Resource Alignment – Focus resources on the most effective initiatives and improve the return on our workforce investment, utilizing data to constantly improve workforce development in Kentucky.
Committee Meetings
- August 19, 2024 - Meeting held on Zoom
To access pass meetings, kindly select the KWIB Committees tab located in the left navigation bar.
Committee Meetings
Contact or 502-564-6542 for more information on meetings.