The Commonwealth of Kentucky has a Combined State Plan that utilizes a variety of programs and initiatives for the procurement and retainment of unique talent to strengthen Kentucky’s workforce. This approach ensures that all possible opportunities are addressed to achieve the best outcome for the betterment of the workforce development system.
Click here for the 2024-2027 WIOA State Plan
Click here for the Executive Summary and Briefer
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The elements of the Statewide Annual Narrative reflect many of the strategies put in place in the WIOA State Plan that highlight the structure in the Commonwealth.
PY23 Statewide Successes
Title I Adult
| Title II Adult Education & Family Literacy Act |
- 2,792 Participants Served
| - 13,221 Participants Served
- 1,496 Trainings Provided
| - 55.89% Measurable Skill Gains
- $8,571 Quarter Median Earned
| - $5,066 Quarter Median Earned
Title I Youth
| Title III Wagner Peyser |
- 1,523 Participants Served
| - 27,021 Participants Served
| - $8,117 Quarter Median Earned
- $4,789 Quarter Median Earned
| |
Title I Dislocated Worker
| Title IV Vocational Rehabilitation
| - 45,812 Participants Served
| - 4,557 Trainings Provided
- $11,250 Quarter Median Earned
| - $23.30 Average Earnings Per Hour
| - 33.71 Average Hours Worked

Program Year 2022 Statewide Annual Narrative