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Employer Resources

​​​​​Economic Development

  • Supporting new and existing business in Kentucky.  The Cabinet for Economic Development’s (CED) Department for Business Development staff is that source.  Contact CED Business Development staff today at (502) 564-7670.

Work Based Learning, Training, and Development

  • Tap into the comprehensive range of employee training services to give your employees the skills and knowledge they need to achieve peak performance.​

State Workforce Business Services​

  • ​programs and services include:

    • employee recruitment

    • employee training and skills development

    • financial incentives

    • Rapid Response: Layoffs and Closures

    • Registered Apprenticeships​


Good jobs are the foundation of an equitable economy that lifts up workers and families and makes businesses more competitive globally. They allow everyone to share in prosperity and support local communities and the entire U.S. economy. Workers know the value of a good job that provides stability and security for them and their families. All work is important and deserving of dignity. Many companies recognize that providing good quality jobs – that make them an employer of choice – creates a clear competitive advantage when it comes to recruitment, retention, and execution of a company's mission.



  • ​The Kentucky Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education (KY FAME​) is a partnership of regional manufacturers whose purpose is to implement career pathways, apprenticeship-style educational programs that will create a pipeline of highly skilled workers.