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Strategic Committees


Employer Engagement Committee​

#1 Employers: Beth Davisson​, Chair

Goal #1: Actively engage employees to drive Kentucky's workforce development system. 

Education Attainment Committee​​

#2 Education: Johnny W. Collett​, Chair

Goal #2: Align and integrate P-12, adult education and postsecondary education to provide lifelong opportunities for Kentuckians that prepare them for the rapidly shifting realities of work in the future. 

Workforce Participation Committee​​

#3 Workforce Participation: TBA, Chair

Goal #3: Increase Kentucky's workforce participation by creating opportunities, incenting workforce participation, and removing employment barriers for Kentuckians. 

Resource Alignment Committee​​​

#4 Organization and Resource Alignment: Kim Humphrey​, Chair 

Goal #4: Focus resources on the most effective initiatives​ and improve the return on our workforce investment, utilizing data to constantly improve workforce development in Kentucky.​​

Business and community leaders, educators, and government professionals interested joining a committee, email​