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Career & Technical Education Certification Process

​​​The Certification submission process facilitates the ongoing development and maintenance of Kentucky's comprehensive industry certification list found below. It is in place to promote the collaboration of vendors with local area businesses, and workforce development areas and their partners. This centralized resource serves both employers and schools in assessment options aligned with approved career and technical education pathways. It empowers local districts with flexibility in choosing how to evaluate student mastery of technical skills upon completion of at least two relevant courses. If you are not sure how to next proceed, please reach out to your local workforce development area professionals found here.

Description of BEAT – a team comprised of business Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), and educators in top sectors. 

​List of the pathways available by the Kentucky Department of Eduation (KDE): 

  1. Agriculture
  2. Business and Marketing
  3. Computer Science / Media Arts
  4. Construction
  5. Engineering
  6. Family and Consumer Science
  7. Health Science
  8. JROTC
  9. Law and Public Safety
  10. Manufacturing
  11. Teaching and Learning
  12. Transportation

List of Valid Industry Certifications

All certification requests MUST BE submitted through the link below.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Certification Web Form

Click on the link to apply for a new certification.
For more information, reach out to​